Friday, September 12, 2008

Help and update

I am a terrible blogger in every aspect of the word. I don't have time! Please pray for balance for me and my sweet family!
Help-Someone please tell me how to get my blog looking right. I have no idea, or the patience to figure it out. I'll give you my log in if you want to play around with it.
Zach is sick! It is his first time being sick like this. He has horrible congestion. You can hear how congested he is. He cries while he is sleeping. So, Zach and I or rather Zach has slept on me in the recliner the last 2 nights. I feel so helpless when he feels bad. To top all of this off, he had his 4 month checkup and shots yesterday. He was so tough when he got his shots. He only cried for like 5 seconds. He started running a fever last night from the shots. So between the shots and the congestion, Zach is a miserable little boy and mom is exhausted. So far, he is doing well today.
Zach weighed 16 lbs (75th percentile)
His head was in the 80th percentile
AND his height was in the 97the percentile!!!!! (26 and 3/4 inches) He is too long for most of his pjs!
I think he might be a hoss (that is such a hick term).

I'm having a really hard time lately putting on a happy face and pretending like everything is okay. I feel like I am juggling so many roles and not being 100% at any of them.
Other than that, all is going really well.
I started reading the Twilight series. I am hooked! I ready while I pump.
I hope all you guys are doing well. My goal today (sense school was cancelled because of rain) is to catch up on all your lives.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008